We, as a company, believe in supporting our neighbors both locally and globally. We have found and invested in a few organizations that we believe are doing an amazing job at loving and supporting those around them. Below are descriptions of just some of these organizations and what they do:
WORLD HELP is a Christian humanitarian organization that exists to serve the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world. Their strategy is based on the belief that true transformation is only possible when the needs of the body and soul are addressed simultaneously. Lately, they have been involved in sending support to help the refugees in the Middle East as well as hurricane relief in our own nation.

WHITTIER PREGNANCY CARE CLINIC seeks to erase the NEED for women to seek an abortion through effectively serving pregnant, at risk women and by transforming their fear into confidence. They offer medical services (such as ultrasounds), support groups, and even after abortion education and support.

BIRTH CHOICE OF THE DESERT is a pregnancy resource center where people can go for information on all their options, pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and support in whatever decision they make. They are always in need of donation items such as diapers, gently used baby clothing, strollers, bassinets, etc.
YOUTH FOR CHRIST is a movement focused on multiplying fruitful and sustainable ministry sites (like those planted by YFC volunteers at high schools, middles schools, coffee shops, juvenile institutions, etc.) across the nation and around the world. Working together with the local church and other like-minded partners, their goal is to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ, and commitment to social involvement.